"; $xml.="$id"; $xml.=""; $sendurl = $url.$append."&xml=".urlencode($xml); $header[] = "Accept: application/xml"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header ); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_ENCODING , "gzip"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'GET'); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $sendurl ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true ); $response = curl_exec($ch); $xml = simplexml_load_string($response); ?> Hotel <? echo $xml->HotelSummary->name ?>


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Lihat Ketersediaan Kamar Dan Harga HotelSummary->name ?>

"; echo " Checkout "; ?> Jumlah orang dewasa Orang.



HotelSummary as $item) { echo ""; echo "

" . $item->name . "

"; echo "

Beralamat Di " . $item->address1 . ", " . $item->address2 . ", " . $item->city . ".

"; // peta lokasi $latlng = $item->latitude . "," . $item->longitude; $nama = $item->name; echo "
Lihat Peta Lokasi"; echo "
"; echo "

Peta Lokasi Hotel " . $item->name . "

"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; if ($item->tripAdvisorRatingUrl != false) { echo "

" . $nama . " memiliki nilai rata-rata " . $item->tripAdvisorRating . " (skala 0-5) dari penilaian " . $item->tripAdvisorReviewCount . " Orang pengunjung. Terletak " . $xml->HotelSummary->locationDescription . ", memiliki " . $xml->HotelDetails->numberOfRooms . " kamar dengan bangunan " . $xml->HotelDetails->numberOfFloors . " lantai.

"; } echo "
"; } //------------------------- Hotel Description ----------------------------// foreach($xml->HotelDetails as $item) { echo htmlspecialchars_decode($item->propertyDescription); } //------------------------- Hotel Images ----------------------------// foreach($xml->HotelImages as $item) echo "

Foto Gallery

"; echo "

Galeri foto " . $xml->HotelSummary->name . ", klik pada foto untuk memperbesar gambar..

"; echo "

"; echo ""; } //------------------------- Jarak Landmark ----------------------------// echo "
"; echo "

Objek Wisata & Landmark

"; echo "

Berikut adalah perkiraan jarak objek wisata dan landmark yang ada di sekitar " . $xml->HotelSummary->name . ".

"; foreach($xml->HotelDetails as $item) { echo htmlspecialchars_decode($item->areaInformation); } //------------------------- Jenis Kamar Hotel & Detailnya ----------------------------// foreach($xml->RoomTypes as $item) { echo "

Jenis Kamar & Fasilitas Kamar

"; echo "

" . $xml->HotelSummary->name . " memiliki " . $xml->RoomTypes[size] . " jenis pilihan kamar yang dapat anda pilih disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda, berikut adalah informasi jenis kamar, tempat tidur serta fasilitas yang ditawarkan..

"; foreach($item->RoomType as $item1) { echo "
"; echo "

" . $item1->description . "

"; echo $item1->descriptionLong; $jum = $item1->roomAmenities[size]; foreach($item1->roomAmenities as $item2) { echo "

Fasilitas Kamar:

"; foreach($item2->RoomAmenity as $item1) { echo $item1->amenity . " | "; } } echo "
"; echo "


"; } } //------------------------- Property Amenities ----------------------------// foreach($xml->PropertyAmenities as $item) // echo "

"; echo "

Fasilitas Hotel

"; echo "

Selain fasilitas yang ada di setiap kamar, " . $xml->HotelSummary->name . " memiliki fasilitas lain yang dapat anda gunakan selama menginap, antara lain..

"; { foreach($item->PropertyAmenity as $item1) { echo $item1->amenity . ", "; } } echo "


"; ?>
Lihat Ketersediaan Kamar Dan Harga HotelSummary->name ?>

"; echo " Checkout "; ?> Jumlah orang dewasa Orang.



Cari Hotel Dekat Dengan HotelSummary->name ?>

"; echo " Checkout "; ?> Jumlah orang dewasa Orang.


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